
Total Sales: 207

Hello there, our passion, mission, and purpose at Rocky Mountain Family Mycology is to bring you mushroom products that will benefit your mind body and soul. To help you be your very best and to educate you about the great benefits that fungi(mushrooms) has to offer. Fungi is used in so many of the everyday products that we use, from healthy food, vaccines, medicine, pest control and to help nature and our environment via mycoremediation. We want the best for you and your family, and welcome you to ours here at Rocky Mountain Family Mycology. You can rest assured when shopping here. Our frequently tested positive pressure lab and aseptic lab techniques ensures you receive our highest quality mycology materials for your research needs. Please allow 7 days to ship all research plates and research microtubes. The research materials are made fresh to order, to insure that you are getting the most vigorous of research material possible. If you ever need assistance or have a problem send us a note. Use the contact vendor spot on bottom left side of our vendor page and we will help ASAP 


Please make sure you are adhering to all your local regulations and laws before doing anything that might be misconstrued as illegal. We do not condone any illegal activity whatsoever. Because we like you and want to continue building a beautiful relationship with you.