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Maria Sabina Research Plate


Maria Sabina Magdalena Garcia, known as the “priestess of mushrooms”. One of the most known female healers of her time. Her work with plant medicines to this day shorten the bridge between traditional Mexican medicine and our new age pharma. Maria Sabina (M.S.) started from a super weird batch of Huautla, which then turned albino, and then turned even stranger…slow growing, starting off as long skinny fruits with tiny closed caps, then once they reach a certain length they go through a second growth spurt and get massive, with caps like pompoms of ruffled gills. Also produces enigma-type brain mutations some of the time. Named for the Mazatec curandera that first introduced psilocybin mushrooms to modern scientists.

All Research Plates are 60mm x 15mm and use an lmea recipe rigorously tested for optimal mycelium growth. All Research Plates are made to order and will take up to 10 days before it is shipment ready. If there is any issue with the quality of the plate, you have 5 days from the time it arrives to location, from the post office, to contact me, with photos, for a refund or replacement. Replacement plates will also take up to 10 days to be shipment ready.

Units Sold: 8

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Return Policy

It is your responsibility as the consumer to let me know if there are any issues with your order. Returns/replacements are excepted up to 10 days after your package has been delivered to contact me with any issues. Please, test your product on agar. Any other failed test will not be accepted, AGAR is the ONLY proof accepted. MICoFroots is NOT responsible for the post offices delays or damage caused by shipping.

Shipping costs

Shipping from United States (US)
Within United States (US) $10.00
Outside United States (US) $35.00

National Shipping Details

Minimum shipping charge per order $10.00
Maximum shipping charge per order $10.00
Free shipping if the order spend is over $100.01

International Shipping Details

Minimum shipping charge per order $35.00
Maximum shipping charge per order $35.00