Betty Blue, Inc.

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Total Sales: 338

Psilocybe Allenii Spore Swabs


Psilocybe Allenii is named after John W. Allen or “Mushroom John”, who found the type collection that got researched by Alan Rockefeller, Jan Borovicka and Peter G. Werner in 2012.
It was known before but was thought to be a variant of Psilocybe Cyanescens without the “wavy cap”.
Before it was proven to be it’s own species it was called Psilocybe Cyanofriscosa, which means the close analogy with Psilocybe Cyanescens and that it’s frequently found around the San Francisco Bay Area.
Psilocybe is a Woodlover That likes fresh hardwood ships beds and can be found in woodship beds like this in for example urban park areas.

The sporeswab is light with spores and doesn’t come with tracking.

*The stock photo is not owned by Betty Blue, Inc.*

*For microscopy purposes only*

Units Sold: 7

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For microscopy purpose only.

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No return or exchanges.

Return Policy

If the product you purchased is lost, damaged or contaminated (in other words unusable for microscopy) you will get a return or exchanges. We are not responsible for the item if it does not arrive if you live in a region where active spores are not allowed.

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Shipping from Sweden
Within Sweden $7.00
Outside Sweden $12.00

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Minimum shipping charge per order $7.00
Maximum shipping charge per order $7.00
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Minimum shipping charge per order $12.00
Maximum shipping charge per order $12.00
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